Friday, January 23, 2015

Table Top World Design

Let us talk world design a bit.

A lot of people who design worlds forget the very organic way populations spread throughout the environment. They forget how towns start small and grow around the old parts.

So here is how I do it: I pick a starting settlement this is what will eventually be the "seat of power" it is small, maybe 15 people, maybe it has a strategic vantage or a dock etc. Then I work from there, remember you will find a town almost every 30 miles or so (even in the real world in civilized lands) because that was roughly a days travel. So I go out 1 hex (28 miles) and there is the next settlement etc. Once I have the basics in, I expand the initial little settlement to its "finished size" by adding populace to it, in growing rings around the original settlement. The original spot becomes "old town" and you move out in expansion rings. With farmers being moved outside walls etc as the city progresses. Most of this is in my head but the thought process is there.

Cart paths and roads between settlements are next and follow the lay of the land. Until you get high civilization there usually is no tunneling or bridges unless its the only way and that requires a seat of power to create it.
Next develop all the settlements around the seat of power, figure out what their income source is, livestock, wool, lumber, fish etc.

Now this is for all races that have cities, the big difference is how far can one travel per day. There will always be some form of safe haven at a days travel between large cities.

Next I like to think what kind of government was there to begin with, how did it evolve and what is it state now. This lets me decide the "current" state of repairs and upkeep on infrastructure. Do they have paved or packed roads, wells, sewers, septic etc. This is note down as well.

If you work say in a 10 x 10 grid of hexes, it becomes very easy to work. Remember if you look at Europe, most countries were small, usually 1-3 days march to a border. You should do the same with yours unless the country will have a strong LARGE military force.

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